For this session we invite papers and posters about AI used in Acoustics and 3D Immersive Audio applications.

  • Audio Scene Analysis: Using AI to automatically detect, isolate, and analyze complex audio environments.
  • AI-Driven Sound Design: Applying machine learning to generate realistic 3D soundscapes or predict the acoustic behavior of spaces.
  • Virtual Acoustics Optimization: AI for simulating room acoustics faster and more accurately, including real-time predictions of reverberation and reflections.
  • Real-Time Spatial Audio and Networking
    • Low-Latency Audio Rendering: Advancements in delivering real-time spatial audio in networked environments like telepresence and remote collaboration.
    • 3D Audio for Virtual Meetings: Research on binaural and spatial audio solutions to make remote communication more natural and reduce fatigue.


Data acquisition, analysis, modeling, architectural acoustics, cultural histories, resonant properties, performance spaces, performance practice, spatial audio, virtual reality, cultural studies, musicology, history of art and architecture, cognitive science, audio engineering, archaeology, anthropology, musicology, music, rituals, sound and space, cognition, perception, psychology, composition, sound art, art practice, immersive arts.

Session chair:

Boaz Rafaely is a Professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, where he leads the Acoustics Laboratory, conducting research in spatial audio signal processing. He has published over 200 papers in journals and conferences, and is the author of the book Fundamentals of Spherical Array Processing. Prof. Rafaely has previously served as Head of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at BGU, Chair of the Israeli Acoustical Association, and Chair of the Technical Committee on Audio Signal Processing of the European Acoustical Association. He has also been an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, and Acta Acustica.